How the widely popular Net Promoter Score is a poor basis for planning and achieving sales growth - and a stronger alternative.
See the full post #03 here.
Leaders understandably dream of simple magic bullets that will solve their biggest challenges, and how to drive sales growth is one of the biggest. Many think they have found that magic bullet with Net Promoter Score (NPS) - never mind all the other indicators that may matter, just get a good NPS and sales growth will magically follow.
NPS claims to "predict business growth" ...
The key framework here is the customers-to-sales structure I mentioned in post #01.
First, even NPS itself only claims to be relevant to one of these - the win-rate. Yes, 'promoters' may be less likely to leave, and may purchase more, but it doesn't ask either question.
Then, NPS implies that 'detractors' explicitly bad-mouth the brand and both encourage other customers to be lost and stop new customers being won. But it is very unlikely that any but the most angry customers talk down the brand at all, let alone try to influence others in those two ways.
Next, there is the issue of 'how likely ...' respondents are to recommend our product. What in fact impacts on the customer win-rate is whether customers actually recommend it, not whether they would do so if asked. We would likely recommend very many products or services, if asked, but we never are asked, so make no effort to do so.
Then the choice of boundaries is arbitrary - why would a 6/10 customer say or do anything to harm the brand, and why would a 8/10 customer not be quite positive about it? This after all is a 4/5 rating that most products would be quite happy to get and certainly not bad enough to discourage new buyers unless the context offers many 4.5/5 alternatives.
And then there's all the marketing, sales effort, pricing, plus those same factors for competitors. e.g. solid promotion effort for a 7/10 product could easily win new customers, while zero sales effort on a 10/10 product wins nothing - similarly for a product priced 10% above or below rival products.
To really understand what is actually driving sales growth, we need a simple set of questions to a good sample of possible customers in the product-space, that tell us what those 3 key rates actually are, starting with something like: